The features listed below are some are some additional options you may want to consider to
make your new website truly customized!
The prices listed below are in addition to the price of your website package.
Customization Fees
- Modification of one template type to another ( for example, modify available agent template to
broker template, etc). Varies according to t emplate choice. Please inquire.
- Digitize print ready company logo: $15 to $45 (FREE if company logo on file)
- Design company logo: $90 to $180
- Replace or customize background only: $30 up to $90 + cost of background if applicable
- Customization of template colors beyond available color options: $270
- Add your own third party advertisement: $30 each*
- Add your own third party advertisement, designed by us: $90 each and up*
- FREE - Broker and Agent templates include either Your Listings or Office Listings
(Only for members that file their listings with Hudson County MLS)
- To host your existing website (you must email all the source code in working order to
CompuHelp at LibertyWebHosting@CHPros.com): $60
Domain Fees
- To register a domain name (i.e. HTTP://www.YourCompanyName.com ):
$100 for 3 years OR $50 for 1 year.
- To transfer a domain NAME to THE Liberty Board of REALTORS servers the cost is $30 and up.
- This is determined by how much work is needed by CompuHelp to transfer the domain name.
Some hosting companies will not release a domain name easily.
- To setup a sub domain of NJPros.com like HTTP://ABCRealty.NJPros.com or HTTP://JoeSalesPerson.NJPros.com - FREE
Email Fees
- 5 email accounts are included with any package.**
$30 setup fee and $5 for every change or additional email account thereafter
- If you have your own domain then your emails will look like Joe@YourCompanyName.com
or If you purchase a sub domain of NJPros.com then your emails will look like Joe@NJPros.com.
*Ad prices are set by member. All advertising fees collected are kept by member.
**Each email account will start to recycle after 60 days.
For increased recycle days contact CompuHelp at (908) 272-6123
or email to: LibertyWebHosting@CHPros.com